04 No Exit Wound
No Exit Wound
Tears of A Clown, The Tracks of My Tears… you get it. The old laughing to keep from crying story. This guy is at every gig, having what seems to be one heck of a time… and maybe he is, but 50 years of looking into people’s eyes from the small stage gives you insight or some ability to make snap judgements on who you really ought not to be fucking with or who might not be all that blinking happy no matter how loud and hardy he’s laughing. There’s that guy and then there’s this guy… The one who plays a lot of gigs, packs up and doesn’t head back to the hotel with a pretty enough, plumpish lady of around forty-five, but goes alone to the Motel 5 to unpack all his stuff in one of those rooms, which is nice enough if you like dead blondes on the floor. To don the Spongebob Squarepants PJs the grandkids gave him. To watch a Matlock rerun or forensic medicine detective show. To take half a Xanax. To question every dumb thing he’d said that night and every song that should’ve been perfect and wasn’t nearly and try to sleep on top of the bed and not between the sheets. Yeeks! Yep, this is a song about Jeremiah O’Sullivan and me, two of the genuinely happy-go-luckiest fuckers you’re ever going to meet in this or any other lonesome town.
Billy Talbot – Bass, Vocals
Ralph Molina – Drums, Vocals
Phil Lee – Guitar, Vocals, Harmonica
Jack Irwin – Keyboards
David West – Slide Guitar