The simple introductory piano line parallels the simple preparations for our daily walk. We button our coats; gather our gloves and walking sticks by the front door. The winds and french horns sound our arrival outdoors. As always, we are astonished by what we see. Holding hands, we amble down the short stretch of asphalt to the familiar entrance to the nature trail. The piano triplets herald our arrival into the woods. The jury of massive trees that line the walkway seems to lean over our heads, treetops fluttering like the wind section, as if listening in on our conversation. We talk about the children, the happiest first. The discordant piano line confirms that we have turned our thoughts to the least happy. The romantic lines near the end confirm that all we can really do is love them. Like our simple walks, we cling to the simple hope that our children will have walks like ours.