Marilynn Green & Patsy Trigg

Have you heard the Christmas Story that’s going round today
About a special donkey who is silver Gray
This probably won’t make the news with Headlines big and bold
That’s why I’m telling you today just thought you’d like to know

She has a nose as soft as velvet
Ears of enormous size
That she can hear the angels sing
Comes as no surprise

Santa’s reindeer hurt himself leaping through the air
So now he needs lots of rest and some special care
It was almost Christmas Eve the time was drawing near
Where can they go who can they ask help pull the sleigh this year

Prancer said he had a friend her name was Silver Belle
The deeds she’s done are beyond dispute and there is more to tell
She hauls heavy burdens tirelessly all without complaint
One might even say she is a donkey saint

There’s one more thing that you should know said Prancer joyfully
This donkey carried Mary to Bethlehem from Galilee
So who could more fitting than this donkey on this run
Yes said Vixen piping up it would sure be fun


So lets go together find this donkey right away
Ask her ever so politely if she’d help pull Santa’s sleigh
Of course she willing of this there was no doubt
Isn’t helping others what Christmas is about

Everything was perfect the harness fit just right
The sleigh was full of presents as they went out into the night
Now you might hear a brand new sound on Christmas eve this year
A sliver gray donkey’s bray resounding loud and clear

Christmas Eve this year when the air is bright and clear
Listen you might hear a silver gray donkey’s bray
Our little silver belle