Riding On The Highway
I don’t understand what went wrong
and you say that our love is still strong
I’ve stopped worrying why and how
’cause I’m so used to riding on the highway now

I miss you more than spring,
the love and laughter you would bring
Now it’s roadsides of brittle pines,
tired asphalt and dotted lines

I’m waiting ever patiently, you take all the time you need
’cause it’s for sure, I want to be the only one you love
Your letters I receive only make me pine and plead
My horizon is desert sky, rows of phone poles whippin’ by

I’m hoping that you’re missing me,
that all my lonely waiting’s not in vain
Remember I made a promise to you, I’m waiting just the same


There’s no need to be afraid... simple changes can be made
Since these roads became my home, every night I spend alone
I miss you more with each passing hour
I finally moved beyond our troubled past
I know there can’t be anyone like you to make love last


I’m riding on the highway now (repeat)