Standing In These Shoes
Standing in These Shoes

And I’ll see new faces, I can greet them so politely

You know that woman’s always been so kind to me

I’ve got a poor old shine on my black shoes

I’ve got holes in my soles that gimme blues

The rain water seeps in, cold gonna creep in

Wood on my heels is wearin’ thin

But I’ve got new laces that I can tie so tightly

I won’t have to tread as lightly as I’ve been

Nightly in these shows I’m standing in

I just got a nice tip from Miss Laura Lee

And I always hold the door open wide

While I help her get all her bags inside

In my new laces that I have tied so tightly

That I don’t have to tread as lightly as I’ve been

And I’ll see new faces, I can greet them so politely

Nightly in these shoes I’m standing in

At out very core, we are always much, much more

The masks we hide behind, they can get us through a trying time

Than the uniform we put on every day

But underneath, we’re really quite the same

Well it’s getting ‘round near the end of my shift

I’m not sure which direction I will drift

I just might end up down at the bar

And put my shoe money in someone else’s jar

‘Cause I’ve got new laces that I can tie so tightly

That I don’t have to tread as lightly as I’ve been

And I’ll see familiar faces, they will greet me so politely

I’ll be comfortable in these shoes I’m standing in

So comfortable in these shoes I’m standing in

Lyrics by Davey O., © 2014, Davey O. Music (ASCAP)