Judgement Day
Judgement Day – a Premiere from New Earth Farmers

The latest single from California’s New Earth Farmers is uplifting in both melody and spirit. Sure, the lyrics are somewhat forlorn but not without a sense of buoyancy. The song pays tribute to a life dedicated to music, closing with a sentiment likely shared by artists and listeners alike: “The music’s still going and I hope it doesn’t fade away.”

The group is anchored by Paul Knowles and Nicole Storto, whose shared vocals give the song (and their music) extra warmth and charm. Joining the duo in the band are drummer Nigel Twist, formerly with The Alarm, as well as guitarist and lap steel player James Deprato and bass player Kevin T. While, both from Chuck Prophet’s band.

Says Knowles about the song:

I watched ‘Get Back’ maybe 5 times. This was the first song that came to me after that marathon watch. The lyrics are actually about my mom and my dad’s father. She used to play the piano on Saturdays in order to practice for church service when I was very young. My dad was the Baptist minister of the church down the street. My grandfather was an amazing self taught piano player. He lived in Virginia and had his own piano/music room. I used to listen and watch him for hours playing gospel songs with a bar room bent to them. He would also play some old classics he knew back in his day. All self taught and by ear. He also played a mean harmonica. I remember visiting him in a home after he had a stroke. He couldn’t really talk or remember anyone. He remembered me when I talked about his old piano. He had a harmonica with him and he grabbed it and started playing like the stroke never happened at all. He and my mom kind of gave me the courage to give this music thing a shot. ‘Go ahead and play the song…’.

Twangville is honored to premiere “Judgement Day” from the forthcoming The Good Ones Got Away by New Earth Farmers.