NEVER, NEVER AGAIN - Copyright 2018 - Words & Music by Bill Bogaardt - Key of Eb - BPM 90 Track time: 4:07
General Message: Stop the Killing-Invoke Gun Control

Up-beat Funky rhythm with a strong, penetrating Bass line, Funky horn shots and a driving message.

Lead Vocal: Bill Bogaardt
Back-up vocals: The Brothers Bogaardt
The slaughter of innocent people must stop!
This song was written in support of the families and students who lost their loved ones during the senseless shooting at the Parkland School in Florida. And the slaughter continues!
It is a "protest" song, and supports a nationwide outcry against gun violence and the lack of control of the types of guns that have become killing machines.
This message is a wake up call for gun reform, and to prevent more killing sprees from occurring.