Smokestack Lightnin'
I was a bit cheeky attempting Smokestack Lightnin'. But I gave it some welly and it came out OK.. even summoning up my best wolf howl. My wife said she didn't know I had it in me. Huh, and you think you know a person. Anyway it rocks along and I like it.

Of course I have to mention that my band Killing Floor actually played this song with Wolf himself, and Freddie King on guitar, back in 1969.

Wonder what ol' Wolf would have thought of this version? We asked Freddie King once what Muddy Waters would say about our version of one of his songs if he heard it. He leaned back and lowered his voice.. 'what them motherf...ers doin' to my song!' - followed by a gale of laughter. All good. Enjoy the music.