Walking Over This Line
Song Writer and PRO:Jeannette Markey BMI, Eric B Latina ASCAP
Publishers: Ellermedia Publishing ASCAP
Ellersoul Publishing BMI
Release Date April 20th 2018

Produced By Ric Latina and Markey Blue

Slow blues
*** Track 6. - "Walking Over This Line" Written By Jeanette Markey and Eric Latina.
Slow, slow smouldering Chicago Blues that has very pensive engaging vocals from Markey. Singing in a somewhat higher register than previous tracks she displays a fragility to her vocals that draw you closer to her as she displays a vulnerability not normally displayed in her full throat-ed powerful vocal stylings. Latina's guitar is simply sublime as he caresses each and every note that in turn caresses your soul taking you along on this journey of love and love lost filled with trials and tribulations. Quite an epic tale that is so pained at times as Markey lays bare her heart and soul for all to see, something that is so hard to do. On this one Wickline plays piano and the sound is subtle but so perfect for the mood of the song that it also sits well with the omni-present keyboards. Drummer Finnie and bassist Marcus are very subtle as the rhythm section but their contribution is simply superb. What an amazing recording this is. Exhausting to the soul , almost an epic but just an amazing track. Peter Merrett- PBS