D Song
D stands for all the good things in life
D stands for all the good things in life
D stands for all the good things in life
D stands for all the good things in life

I chose the letter 'd' coz the word good ends with a 'd'
And the end of a thing is better than its beginning
D to make a difference in the world that I'm living in
World ends with a d so the world needs a good beginning
I'll do this with my words, one word at a time
Words are made of letters, shows you I'm taking my time
I started with a d, I don't know what I'll end with
But I'm so glad I started making a difference in the world

D stands for all the good things in life
D stands for all the good things in life
D stands for all the good things in life
D stands for all the good things in life

D for all the awesome people I met in my time
Dennis, David, and Daphne
D for all the doctors that helped save a life
D for man's best friend who is faithful till the end
D to understand, d is at the end
So for you to comprehend, you must follow till the end

D stands for all the good things in life
D stands for all the good things in life
D stands for all the good things in life
D stands for all the good things in life

With an arrow and a bow stood a hunter by the road
And on the other side was a chicken that didn't know
It was about to be his chicken dinner
So with a stretch of his bow and a shot of an arrow
Dinner was served
And all he had to do was cross the road and get it
So many times we dream but we forget to follow our dreams
We stand there like the hunter refusing to cross the road
So how about today we choose to make our dreams our dinner

D stands for all the good things in life
D stands for all the good things in life
D stands for all the good things in life
D stands for all the good things in life