God's House
3. God’s House
Lucy Billings

You and your wife out for a drive down an old Virginia road
Little church caught your eye - few weeks later, the church was sold
Choir loft is now your bedroom – altar where you break your bread
Even though there’s a church down the road, the congregation would rather be here instead

Still the people come to worship and they hope you’ll let them in
This may be the house you live in, but it’s still God’s house to them

People in the yard, knocking at the door – they want to come inside and see
Your wife’s annoyed ‘cause you invite them in and serve them coffee, cake and tea
The lady with the funny bonnet doesn’t like that church down the road
She thinks that they handle snakes on the sly – you say Ma’am, I just don’t know


What did you do with all those pews? Found a place for them to hide
You never know when you’ll want to turn that house back into a church for a groom and bride
Son said Dad, I’m getting married – need a place for our big day
You say Okay, I’ve got a shed full of pews – I can set them up right away
