John Michael King - Beer 30
John Michael King’s new song “Beer 30” brings everything country music lovers enjoy about the genre. Relatable lyrics about working hard without always having a return for your efforts, wishing time would go by faster, needing a break are all found in this song.

John started playing guitar and writing music when he was 20 years old. Finding his inspiration from country music legends like Waylon Jennings and Johnny Cash, he wants to emulate both their musical talents as well as personal triumphs. Seeing them rise above when the odds were stacked against them gives him both hope for his music as well as give that motivation to his audiences.

Knowing that so many people feel caught up in “the real world,” he hopes his music can give audiences a much needed break. Whether getting over a breakup or celebrating a new job, his music lifts spirits and puts a smile on faces.

John’s first single “Beer 30” is available on April 6th on iTunes, Amazon, and everywhere else music is sold. For more information, go to and follow John on facebook and instagram @JohnMichaelKingMusic.