Insekte full of life,
Yes, it ate my kalimba.
Simple purpose, well-defined,
Why did it eat my kalimba?
Bursting forth with its own kind,
Oh woe is my kalimba.
Emergence of a greater mind.
I loved that kalimba.
In isolation lost and blind,
It seeks direction and unconsoled,
It eats kalimba.
It desires to belong and hold,
The social ties which make it bold.
It is bold.
Big, bold and beautiful, it eats kalimba.
Insekte builds and forages,
Goodbye kalimba.
Rebuilds at every breach,
Except my kalimba.
It's grasp not beyond it's reach,
But it took my kalimba
It's willfulness for all and each.
In time its constant struggles teach,
Goodbye kalimba.
If one is willing to decide,
That under heaven's light reside,
All things good that blindness hides,
Devoid of all, insekte decides.
To eat my kalimba.