Hitit (The New York City Spanish Harlem Remix)
The song is 4 minutes and 24 seconds long. When the song is approaching the end, it doesn't fade out. It ends with the horn section only, and ends in unison, abruptly. It is an instrumental with only two word lyrics in the entire song. Towards the beginning the words "HITIT" are echoed.

The New York City Spanish Harlem remix to the hit song Hitit. It has the funk and soul flavor of the original with a new funky Spanish Harlem street beat. I know you're gonna dig this. The music is a cool throwback to the 70's style funk and soul. It captures the soulful bass and guitar, and is complemented by the horn section that gives the music that bright, upbeat sound. The keyboards, and rhythm section of drums, bongos, and congas round things out with the bumping beat that will have your head nodding.