Day is Done
I’m here in the middle, between the mountains and the sea
The hills have been my home, now the tide is calling me

There’s the glory in the highlands where Eagles soar above
And the salty, sandy water beckons as a hopeless love

If I drop it all and move away, I’ll wind up all alone
So the answer lies within me — where I’m found when day is done

Peaks above the tree line reach up to touch the sky
The gurgle of headwaters has been my lullaby

The motion of the ocean ebbs and flows with energy
Desires I’ve never known before are awakening in me

I can’t be in two places, I’ll remain here like a dove
I’ll know the mountains as my homeland and the sea, my far-off love

So I gaze into the night sky, for I know they share this space
I can’t move the mountains to the sea still I seek my happy place

The stars shall navigate for me as the sailors in the past
And gently guide my troubled heart to find my peace at last
