Prepare the Way
Prepare the Way! For the dead and the living. / Prepare the Way! / Prepare the Way! For the dead and the living. / Prepare the Way! // Bob Dylan and John the Baptist having supper. / One says to the other, “How’s your head?” / John smiles at Bob, says, “You know I never / Really felt the blade like I felt compelled to…” // Prepare the Way! For the dead and the living. / Prepare the Way! / Prepare the Way! For the dead and the living. / Prepare the Way! // “What happened to your good faith Mr. Dylan? / Did the slow train coming simply take too long?” / Dylan shakes his head, says, “It’s a heavy burden / To wear my soul on the sleeves of my songs.” // Up from the table, into the city. / Their voices pound like thunder against the gates of Hell. / All creation squirms in anticipation / As the holy angels shine the wedding bells. // Prepare the Way! For the dead and the living. / Prepare the Way! / Prepare the Way! For the dead and the living. / Prepare the Way! / John don’t tell Bob just where they’re going. / The ‘ol Baptist just talks about where Bobs been, / And in a flash there’s illumination / On Dylan’s every step towards Jeruseleum. // “Hey John, you been talking crazy! / And I just can’t hardly believe my ears.” / “Believe it Bob! You’ll look good in sackcloth.” / Then they began to preach for three and one-half years. // Won’t be long until He comes back. / Won’t be long until He comes back! / Won’t be long until He comes back. / Won’t be long until He comes back! / Won’t be long until He comes back. / Won’t be long until He comes back! // Prepare the Way! For the dead and the living. /Prepare the Way!