2. Bernadette (Featured Track)
Bernadette - Kathy Greenholdt (3:57)

(773) 673-1113

Songwriter: Kathy Greenholdt, ASCAP
Publishing: Bindweed Music, ASCAP
Release Date: October 6, 2017

Vocals: Kathy Greenholdt
Acoustic Guitar, Percussion, Organ, Harmonium, Mellotron, Tibetan Tingsha Bells: Steve Dawson
(Water sound mid-song is rain outside the recording studio.)

I wrote this song after visiting Lourdes, France, the home of Saint Bernadette Soubirous (1844–79). Bernadette was a sickly girl of 14 when she claimed to see the Virgin Mary 18 times near the Gave River. During one vision, Bernadette dug with her hands into a patch of dirt. Later, a freshwater spring flowed from the spot. People who drank the water reported miraculous cures for a variety of ailments, so pilgrims began to flock to Lourdes. As a result, humble Bernadette found herself suddenly famous. She was constantly harassed by visitors. To escape, she moved away to Nevers, France and entered a cloistered convent. But, her poor health continued, and she died at the young age of 35, never seeing the Virgin again.