1. Quiet Cecilia (Featured Track)
Quiet Cecilia - Kathy Greenholdt (3:09)

(773) 673-1113

Songwriter: Kathy Greenholdt, ASCAP
Publishing: Bindweed Music, ASCAP
Release Date: October 6, 2017

Vocals: Kathy Greenholdt
Acoustic Rhythm Guitar: Kathy Greenholdt
Cello: Melissa Bach
Organ, Bass, Percussion: Steve Dawson

Cecilia was a Pagan-turned-Christian-martyr who lived in Rome in the 2nd or 3rd Century. She is the patron saint of music. In the 13th Century, the town of Albi, France built a cathedral and dedicated it to Cecilia. At that time, a Christian sect known as the Cathars lived alongside Albi’s Catholics. But, the Pope sent warring crusaders to Albi, and they wiped out the Cathars — a thousand years after Cecilia’s own brutal death in the name of religion. I wrote this song after traveling to Albi, where I visited the cathedral, which houses a statue of the martyr lying on her deathbed.