Can The Bengal Bend All Day
Can the Bengal bend all day?

In the mangrove
where people paint faces on the back of their heads
there is the one who still can not be misled.
Tenements and factories - it's feed.
He matches flashing tunnels
for he used to dress as trees.
All the sins known and unknown he store up in a box.
Your pretty face or pretty soul
matter not when he knocks.

Can the Bengal bend all day?

So we're careful not to crouch like any other primate -
though it has been said that we are an acquired taste.
In the mangrove, lock up your kids...
It's getting late.
Nike shoes, McDonald's food.
Some receive a paycheck, while one gets in a mood.
Mama should have told us to beware when we encroach.
It's not so distinct who is the poacher and the poached.

It's a complex situation:
Ripple in the swamp, panting tongue.
Complex nature meets metal beams -
uptown buzz, occasional screams.
A complex situation:
Ripple in the swamp, monkey tongue.
A complex situation.
Come play, come play, come play.

One day he'll be shot while in his mangrove groove.
His children they will cry - and then they'll make their move.

Can the Bengal bend all day?