The Time Has Come
I can’t seem to hit the big score any more
Oh well, what do I need all that money for
Don’t you just know it
I’d just go and blow it
Before I have a chance to think

The time has come
To make a move
To start again
To find my groove
I hear the beat of
A different drum
The time has come

I can’t seem to find the right words to say
That’s alright, nobody’s listening anyway
I might as well move on
Before the daylight is gone
Before this ship starts to sink

The time has come
To hit the road
To flip the script
Re-write the code
To hitch a ride
Stick out my thumb
The time has come

I’ve worn out my welcome, that’s pretty clear
The walls are closing in all around here
I’m getting nothing but dirty looks
It’s time to gather all my clothes and books

(Chorus 1)