Tuesday Is Blues Day
Tuesday is blues day
Wednesday depends
Thursday was hers
That’s when we saw her friends
Friday is my day
When I let my hair down
Saturday problems don’t matter they
Fade when I’m out on the town
Sunday just leads into Monday
When I’m back to the grind
But Tuesday is blues day
Cause she’s on my mind

Tuesday is blues day
The day that we met
It was nine in the morning
I’ll never forget
I was drinking my coffee
She was drinking her tea
When I looked at her
And she looked at me
Somehow I knew then
Just a call it hunch
We’d be seeing each other
Way past lunch

The weeks became months
Then a year and a day
And our anniversary
At this same café
Time had passed quickly
Then suddenly slowed
When on that dark Tuesday
She just never showed

The following Tuesday
She sent me a note
She said she was sorry
And that’s all she wrote
Now Wednesday and Thursday and Friday
I try to let go
Saturday, Sunday and Monday
I pretend I don’t I know
The morning will come
I’ll wake up and then
I’ll be singing the blues
Cause it’s Tuesday again