07a The Help I Need (folk mix)
I finally surrendered and confessed
My addiction had brought me to my knees
When I truly admitted my life was a mess
The help I needed was there for me

A friend said I could stop the runaway train
Been where I’d been, found a way
To face the fear, ease the pain
Live a good life day to day
The help I needed was there for me
I just had to ask, had to be
Honest about my faults and mistakes
Open to a new way of life
Willing to do whatever it takes
The help I needed was there for me

We met for coffee at the Daily Grind
Then down some old church basement stair
Room full of folks, all different kinds
The scent of coffee filled the air

Listened to stories of where they’d been
Did what they said, kept coming back
Made the coffee and a few friends
Soon my life was getting back on track


Dug in deep to clear my past
Shared my secrets with a trusted friend
Prayed my faults be removed at last
To those I’d hurt, I made amends

Feeling much better, the fog had cleared
A whole lot less pain and strife
Shame and fear had disappeared
A spirit force was working in my life

Days of joy, days of sorrow
A bumpy road, but I’ll be fine
Don’t think about tomorrow
Take it one day at a time

CHORUS (present tense)