Joe Jencks - Winnipeg 1919
Winnipeg 1919 (4:54)
© 2019 & 2022, Joe Jencks, Turtle Bear Music ASCAP
The year was 1919 and all around the world
People started marching with their victory flags unfurled
We’ve shed our blood on battlefields and slaved in deep, dark
We rally to the banner, bread and roses, it’s our time
Come gather, Fellow Workers, and raise your voices strong
We rise today in Winnipeg to sing our victory song
From Europe and to Canada, across the U.S.A.
We cry out for justice and for fair and equal pay
All sisters and brothers and all workers here unite
We strive for One Big Union and defend our common rights
From Halifax and Thunder Bay, to the Fraser River’s shore
Seattle, San Francisco, and Chicago, hear us roar
From Boston on to Dublin town, are heard the people’s cries
No more to drudge and idler when the workers organize
Though some of us were born of means and others not a dime
We spend our lives in service to a cause we hold sublime
All laborers in commonwealth, now let our voices say
That one way or another we will bring the greater day
So here’s to Big Bill Haywood, Mother Jones, and Eugene Debs
Along with Emma Goldman and Joe Hill and all the Reds
And all those Fellow Travelers who beckon to the call
An injury to one of us, is an injury to all
We may not win our struggle here, but sure as hell we’ll try
For the future of our children we are steadfast by and by
It’s only when our minds are joined with muscle we can stand
And bring to birth a new world, arm in arm and hand in hand