Hug A Vet (3:38) Featured Track
Hug A Vet (c), Jerry Gilmore (Music/Lyrics) (3:38) BMI, Julie Gay Publishing

On the eleventh day, eleventh month, each and every year,
We set aside this one day, for the Veteran's we hold dear.
Old Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen, Coast Guard, and the Marines.
One and all, they've heard the call, they know freedom is not free.
In little towns across our land, we honor all of them, with small parades, bands that play Our National Anthem.
Eyes filled with pride, kids idolize as the music fills the air.
Flags that wave for the brave, we let them know we care.
So, Hug A Vet, Hug A Vet, put your arms around him tell him you will not forget.
His sacrifice for in his life, what he did we all owe a never-ending debt.
Don't forget to Hug A Vet - Hug A Vet.
Now some are young, some are old, there's some in wheelchairs
On crutches too, there's one or two and it tugs at a tear
Reminding us, of the common trust they shared willingly
They took an oath, defend the code, protecting you and me.
Chorus (2)
So, Hug A Vet, Hug A Vet
Look into her eyes and tell her, you will not forget.
Her sacrifice, for in her life,
What she did, we all owe a never-ending debt.
Don't forget, To Hug A Vet Hug A Vet.
Their Brothers, Sisters Mom's and Dad's Old Salts and young Cadets
Don't forget to, Hug A Vet Hug A vet.
Hug A Vet - when you don't have words to say,
Hug A Vet - for our freedoms every day
Hug A Vet, Hug A Vet, Hug a Vet