My Greatness
"I have always been obsessed with finding my greatness. Throughout my life I have felt this huge burning in me that tells me I have something huge to offer the world, but never really knowing exactly what that was. I had tired myself with this thought for the pressure I inevitably placed on myself to figure it out. Then it hit me, while writing a song where I was teasing myself about always looking for my greatness, maybe my greatness isn't a career path so to speak. Maybe my greatness has to do with the energy I share with everyone I encounter. “My Greatness" explores this epiphany I had last summer, that despite how hard society fought to strip me from being able to love who it is natural for me to love, I have come through on the other side full of love. As my song says, "Love, I'm swimming in it". Despite the adversity I survived growing up in the 80s and 90s as a Mormon kid, despite love trying to be taken from me, I now know what my greatness is. It is love. And in a world where queer folks have to fight for our right to love, we have become valiant love warriors. Love is all of our greatnesses, and our gift to the world." - Jerrika Mighelle

Song Credits:
Recorded, Mixed, Engineered, Mastered & Produced by Evan Middlesworth at Pine Hollow.

Jerrika Mighelle - vocals, acoustic guitar.
Evan Middlesworth - electric guitar.

Matt Haapala - drums, percussion
Lauren Anderson - electric bass.
Elizabeth Steans - vocal harmonies.
Serena Wagner - vocal harmonies.