I see your name is on the list
All the emails and posts online didn't
Find a home for you in time

So after hours when everybody's gone
I'll shut the doors for what
they Don't want to see

Chorus 1
Oh, I'm a killer
Oh, I'm a killer

Verse 2
I remember the day you came
Tied to the front door sitting shaking in the
pouring rain

Your best behavior and lovin eyes
Aren't enough, times up, sorry
But we need this space

Chorus 2


I'm gonna give you something
So you won't feel a thing
I'm gonna lay you down and
Watch you fade away
Oh, Oh,

Verse 3
Do my prayers bleed through these walls?
Do they crash against iron gates
Or do they fall on deft ears?

Never numb to the agony
Gnawing at my sanity
Dreams of cold sleep cover me