Another Perfect Day
Go to bed and wake up
Coffees on grab a cup
Good bye dear and have a nice day
Wake the kids make them lunch
Comb their hair love you a bunch
School bus pulls out the driveway

Oh la la la la la
Everybody’s on their way
Oh la la la la la
Another perfect day

Folding warm laundry
Iron out every crease
Hang it up carefully
Vacuum every corner
Wipe the dust off every shelf
Do everything meticulously

Oh la la la la la
Everybody’s on their way
Oh la la la la la
Another perfect day

But what’s that hollow feeling?
That follows you through the day?
From the grocery store and your manicure
it just won’t go away

So you put the kids to be early
Candlelight a special night
His favorite wine and your new dress
Telephone rings, big project working late
He’ll make it up to you again

Oh la la la la la
Everybody’s on their way
Oh la la la la la
Another perfect day