Last Farm
The Last Farm

The last farm in our town is goin’ down
The auctioneer called til’ it was all gone
Some of us made a fuss
But they say “it’s just progress”
Now there’s boxes in a row
Where sweet corn used to grow
The last farm in town is goin’ down

The last farm in our town is goin’ down
They’re clearin’ all the land and breakin’ ground
Such is the farmer’s fate
Right here, in the Garden State
Now there’s no more rows to hoe
If there ain’t no crops to grow
The last farm in town is goin’ down

I wonder what becomes of this the land?
If all the generations don’t take a stand
Acre by acre it gets lost
Under concrete foundations and black asphalt

For the last farm in our town is goin’ down
The woods falling off the old farm stand
You’ll have to drive way out of this town
To see a plow tillin’ the ground
Cause the only crop around here
Is cut with a riding John Deere
The last farm in our town is goin; down