Thank You Lord for Grace
Writer: Jerry Cole

Use me Lord Yes I'm asking
Let me stay within Thy will
Forgive me Lord when I should stumble
Help me climb the rugged hill
Lead me Lord and I will follow
Keep me in the narrow way
Show me fit for thy good service
Thank you Lord for grace today

There's so much sickness all around us
You knew before you heard my prayer
Ask and it shall be given
Lord, I'm asking mercy for those there
May I be a light to someone
Wondering on the broken road
Grant me wisdom of your Word to guide them
When its time for hands to fold

There is none that doeth good Lord
But with your help, I'd like to try
Dawn me in your heavenly armor
With a shield of faith, Lord hear my cry
Guard me from the darts of the wicked
Till I receive that robe of white
Come what may Lord, keep me humble
Watch me safely through the night