Everything’s a deep fake
Everyone’s a snowflake
You gotta treat with kid gloves
Social media is click bait
Our rulers are the deep state
Like Dr. Strangelove

You know I’m just a troublemaker
This is a troublemaker song
You know I’m just a troublemaker
A troublemaker trying to right wrongs

They say they’re transgressions
Because a spade is not a spade
So hide in your safe space
Pretend you’re not a space case
It’s gonna rain on your parade

You know I’m just a troublemaker
This is a troublemaker song
You know I’m just a troublemaker
A troublemaker trying to right wrongs

Look at all the soy boys
Turning into boy toys
Just like Barbie and Ken
Mama fed them too much
Soy estrogen
Turned ‘em into girlie men

You know I’m just a troublemaker
This is a troublemaker song
You know I’m just a troublemaker
A troublemaker trying to right wrongs

Truth is hate speech
Say the thought police
You can’t say what’s really on your mind
Lies they preach and cries they screech
I’ll fight them three chords at a time

You know I’m just a troublemaker
This is a troublemaker song
You know I’m just a troublemaker
A troublemaker trying to right wrongs

You know I’m just a troublemaker
This is a troublemaker song
You know I’m just a troublemaker
A troublemaker trying to right wrongs yeah
A troublemaker trying to right wrongs