Money Talks
It’s got you licking your chops
Like a hungry little fox
Thinking greedy thoughts
Sneaking around in the dark
Opportunity knocks
But the music never stops

Money talks, money talks, money talks, money talks,
money talks, money talks

You’re hanging out with big shots
Greed’s got you tied up in knots
You came from the school of hard knocks
Now you’re dreaming of blue chip stocks
You forgot about the have-nots
You wanna win at all cost

Money talks, money talks, money talks, money talks,
money talks, money talks

You’re sick of kissing up to the boss
At your 9 to 5 job
Your lottery ticket’s a total loss
You’re never gonna beat the odds
Here’s a penny for your thoughts
A leopard can’t change its spots

Money talks, money talks, money talks, money talks,
money talks, money talks