1. Little Sadie (2:41) (Featured track for consideration of "Just Folking Around")

Allie Burbrink - (812) 371-1439
frankandalliemusic@gmail.com or booking@frankandallie.com

Songwriter/Publishing Info: None (Traditional/not under copyright)

Release Date: 4/7/18

Produced by Bruce Lang, Frank Lee, and Allie Burbrink

Frank Lee: steel-string banjo, lead vocals
Allie Burbrink: guitar, harmony vocals
Bruce Lang: upright bass

This upbeat murder ballad has a bluegrass feel, though Frank is playing clawhammer style banjo. Our version is loosely based on Clarence "Tom" Ashley's.

We chose this piece to feature and to introduce the album not only because it's one of our most requested pieces in our live shows but also because it has the features we feel we are best known for. First, it's a traditional song, and since we identify with the old time music genre we appreciate the nature of songs that have had many sources and are no longer attributed to any one person. Next, our arrangement features Frank's well-known fast, syncopated clawhammer banjo style; harmony singing throughout; and irregular meter thanks to a dropped beat at the end of every verse. And finally, it's a song that is said to originate in North Carolina, which is where we live.

Starts and ends in key of G.