
Your gaze penetrates me deep
With these broken eyes I feel so weak.
You dig for something that’s not there
Your trail is scattered everywhere.
You work to find what you can’t have
Buried deep beneath this sand.
I told you this will not end right
But you will never see the light

There are roots that bind us so
But one by one I watch them go.
You don’t understand the fate
That you impose on us this way.
I’ve tried to reach you a thousand times
But you couldn’t be more blind.
Perhaps one day when this tree is grown
You will find your way back home.

Like a raging storm you flare
Leaving this garden dead and bare.
I will work to mend this mess
Until you finally find the rest.
The rest that calms your weary head
As you fall softly to this bed.
You will forget what happened here
And I will shed my final tear.

There are roots that bind us so
But one by one I watch them go.
You don’t understand the fate
That you impose on us this way.
I’ve tried to reach you a thousand times
But you couldn’t be more blind.
Perhaps one day when this tree is grown
You will find your way back home.