LOLA – words and music by Alexandra Legouix and Martyn Ellis © 2010

Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets
Why can't her life be the same?
In her dreams there is romance and passion
But instead he keeps playing these games

Forever going in spiralling circles
Round and round, and not up and down
He doesn't notice the beautiful girl on his arm is looking around

To find something better
Someone there to get her away
From the world she is in
To a place of excitement and pure enticement
Naughty fun, cardinal sin...

Lola... la-la-la
Lola... la-la-la
Lola... la-la-la

Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets
Even the teddy and pretty g-string
Didn't work or make him break a sweat
You think he'd be ring-a-ding-ding

And find something better
Someone there to get her away
From the world she is in
To a place of excitement and pure enticement
Naughty fun, cardinal sin…

Lola... la-la-la
Lola... la-la-la
Lola... la-la-la
Lola etc