Charlie Roth is Coming
Chollie Roth is Comin’
(Effron White)

I was in bad shape back in ‘85
My doctor had told me I was gonna die
I had gout in my foot and a catarack eye
My heart beat was busted and my liver lived a lie

On top of that I couldn’t get no work
Nobody’ll hire you spittin’ up stuff
I’s at the end of my rope ‘bout to kiss this scene
When I ran across an ad in a magazine

Chollie Roth is comin’
That’s Chollie with an “ah”
He’s good for what ails you like a fine ceegah
Mellifluous melodies and musical tonic
Medicine bound to cure the blubonic

So I coiled my rope and I limped on down
To the vacant lot in the middle of town
And there’s Chollie’s rig and he’s settin’ up wares
And people rollin’ in mostly in wheelchairs

I pressed my way across the broken ground
You’d athought Barnham-Bailey had hit this town
Folks from the farms wondered what was in the air
I heard the mayor tell’em you’re lucky you’re here


Chollie went to work and he rang a bell
The sick were all suddenly under his spell
He gave free samples to all the gawkers
And Grandma and Grandpa they threw away their walkers

I saw one miracle after another
A mountain of wheelchairs piled up by the gutter
The crippled were dancin’ the old got young
The deaf got ears and Chollie’s songs got sung



“Now his treatments appeared to me to be quite copasetic
I was very impressed with this musical medic
I said Hey Dr. Chollie what can you do for me
He said man I got the cure for every malady”

And from that point on I felt life improve
He gave me a double dose of guitar groove
I kicked the gout shook my catarack out
My heart beat boogy and my liver didn’t doubt

So when you’re down in the dumps and don’t see no way
To get your up-and-go to go another day
Just hold out ‘til Chollie the Good-Time Man
Can give you a fix of his one-man band

©2011 Sticker Freak Music (BMI)