You Never Know
She’s at the front of the check-out line,
The cashier says Ma’am you’re short a dime,
So she tries to find her credit card instead,
But her trembling hands spill the purse,
She can hear the other customers,
As they sigh and grumble, all their patience spent,
But you see she buried her ten year old son just last week,
And she’s shaking from the inside out, overwhelmed with grief.

You never know what somebody’s going through,
You never know what makes them act the way they do,
So try a little grace, cause there just might come a day,
When you find yourself in need of grace too,
You never know what somebody’s going through.

He’s doing 55 in a 70, holds the steering wheel tight as it can be,
Leaning forward, fear written on his face,
When a pick-up truck with an angry storm,
Goes by picking up a storm,
Just to let him know he’s in their way,
But you see this is the first time that he’s found the nerve to drive,
Since that rainy night he spun out of control, and lost his wife

Kindness is a virtue, and this world can’t have enough,
Just a little understanding, shows a wounded hearts God’s love

Rebecca J. Peck
Thomas Peck Music/BMI