written by Doug Moreland, ASCAP (composer/author and publisher)

I hear them Italians pay top dollar
For wild hogs if you catch’em alive
All you’ll need is some posts and wire,
Corn and a little bit of time
Corn and a little bit o’ time

Take your corn-feeder out to a clearin’
Them swine’ll find it just fine
Build a fence across the north side
Free corn to a pig’s a free ride
Free corn to a pig’s a free ride

Put up another fence across the east
Let’em get used to it a while
It may disrupt their world a bit
But free corn to a pig’s a free ride
Free corn to a pig’s a free ride

The fence to the west can be like the east
But the southside needs a gate
Leave it wide open and sit in the truck
Have a couple of beers and wait
Have a couple of beers and wait

After some time, one by one
Those pigs’ll walk inside
Waltz on over, shut the gate
You pigs had your free ride
You pigs have had your free ride

Now their headed off to Italy to make a ladies shoes
For corn ain’t it funny what a pig’ll do
And the lesson in this story for you and me
Ain’t a thing in this world you can get for free

Like Portugul, Italy, Greece, and Spain
Looks like their story’s gonna end the same
No matter what you think or what you believe
Ain’t a thing in this world you can get for free
Ain’t a thing in this world you can get for free

For corn ain’t it funny what a pig’ll do
Look out their about to shut the gate on you