written by Doug Moreland, ASCAP (composer/author and publisher)

Bucket of grease on my buckboard
Hitch up Sally Ann
Headed up to the high pasture
Dreaded chore of a 'hand

There she stands in all her glory
Proudly facing the wind
Whining gears, I face my fears
I lost a coin toss again

Wind brings the water when there is no rain
Wind brings the water when there is no rain
There’s always wind…

The Lord has a purpose for us all
I guess today this is mine
Up on a windmill, eying a hawk
A little envious of flight

Clouds to the east cover Cathedral
They start to darken the sky
I look to the mountain and pray to the Lord
He gets me down from here alive

Wind brings the water when there is no rain
Wind brings the water when there is no rain
Wind brings the water when there is no rain
Wind brings the water when there is no rain
There’s always wind