Bread and Circus
written by Doug Moreland, ASCAP (composer/author and publisher)

Down at the Coliseum
Folks gather for the fest
Like they’ve never seen a lion kill a Christian
They revel in a reason to bet

You can see them on the street
Are they all on the take?
They can look just like you or me
But who’s paying for the cake?

They say, give me my Bread and Circus
Give me my Bread and Circus
I want to see what’s been promised to me
Give me my Bread and Circus

They say, don’t rock the boat
Don’t speak of another King
For in the town square they may have you stoned
Or be the entertainment in the ring

The republic is a facade
Heaven is replaced by hell
To govern one’s self one must trust in God
But the Caesar says he’s here to help

They say, give me my Bread and Circus
Give me my Bread and Circus
I want to see what’s been promised to me
Give me my Bread and Circus

Don’t tell me it’s my destiny
Just to live on Bread and Circus
Man can't live on bread alone