Variations on Emily
Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me.

I soon saw I did not need breath,
I need Eternity.

There is a certain Slant of Light,
Oppresses from afar

on the look of Death, a dull might,
where all the meanings are.

Oh Emily, oh Emily,
Oh how you brought me to see me,
to look askance, is how to see.
I tell the Truth, but tell it Slant,
Success in Degrees lies,

our biting at the Elephant,
so Truth always belies.

Dare you see a soul at white heat?
Our world the finisher,

forging us all, heart beat by beat,
in the rock polisher.

Oh Emily, oh Emily,
Oh how you brought me to see me,
to look askance, is how to see.

I died for Beauty, but was scarce
adjusted in the tomb,

found one who died for Truth, a dareist,
fighting return to the womb.

I heard a fly buzz when I died,
only a body I lack,

all this talk of Hell, they just lied,
it’s clear I am Called Back.

Oh Emily, oh Emily,
Oh how you brought me to see me,
to look askance, is how to see.