The Blues Comes In All Colors
It started in the delta
A long long time ago
Just this side of Memphis
Where all that cotton grows
Slid up to St Louis
Back down to New Orleans
Built a big house in Chicago
It was Muddy Water clean
The Blues Comes In All Colors
Its all around the planet
From the mountain to the see
Put the howlin in the wolf
Put the bumble in the bee
Out amongst the Milky way
It circles round the moon
Even Martians get em
Nobody is immune
The Blues Comes In All Colors
Bad news... All around you brother
The Truth is Gonna Find You
One way or another
The Blues Comes In All Colors
(Verse 3)
Its in amother's whisper
When she hears her babay cry
Walks with you like a shadow
Til the very day you die
Its not a destination
Its nowhere you can find
You'll know it when you slip below
The Willie Dixon Line
( Chorus)