Platform Wars
Are you a Mac, or a PC? And does it even really matter? I've been a Mac since late 1991 when I went to college and began using Photoshop 2.0 on a Macintosh IIcs. I very quickly "drank the Kool-Aid," as they say, and fell in line with the cult of Apple. Early on I tried to convert several family members and friends, but I quickly realized the argument was akin to similar arguments on such touchy topics as religion and politics. Neither side is really willing to take an honest look at the other and the argument invariably breaks down to name-calling.

I stopped having that conversation years ago for the sake of my own sanity-although I did successfully convert one friend-which is probably why it took me so long to come up with the idea for this song. This song is a what I picture would happen if John Hodgman and Justin Long from Apple's "Get A Mac" ad campaign broke into a battle rap.