When He Cheats
When He Cheats
Words & Music by: Debra Lyn & Jeff Silverman
Palette Songs/SESAC, D. Lyn/BMI

I can hardly listen when he speaks
There isn’t one word I can still believe
And so I turn out the light and I say my goodnight
But I know I’ll lie awake and wonder where he is tonight

When he cheats
He rips my heart and soul and all my love from me
When he cheats
I’ve got no reason to hold on to memories
When he cheats

I can hardly look into his eyes
I get confused and believe all his lies
But I can never hold on to a man that is gone
No matter what he says to me he’ll always do me wrong


I’m sure he really loved me
And maybe one day he will see
Too many words have gone unspoken
What’s wrong can’t be unbroken

I can’t find the words I want to say
The hell he put me through gets worse each day
All I dreamed of is gone no stars left to wish upon
And I won’t spend another lonely night crying till the dawn