The Department of the West
Lost the job now you’re losing the house
Gonna put one last log on the fire
From a tree planted long ago
Finally cut it down after decades watching it grow
Great Grandpa’s rifle on the hearth
Apache’s called him Chief Wolf
Not a hater still a fighter Indian War guide
Time to smoke out this misplaced family pride

Here we stand but this land was never ours
No matter who spoke truth or who lied
Settled scores, this land was never ours
In a war there are always two sides

Yeah your made of irish a little Cherokee
That’s what you were always told
But no one said who ventured into that squaw’s teepee
How honor can be bought, taken and sold

Split the wood, split it again,
roll it down the hill, dad used to give you ten
Ten cents for every log, eucalyptus, Monterey Pine
Now you see so many things were never yours, never mine

Here we stand but this land was never ours
No matter who spoke truth or who lied
Settled scores, this land was never ours
In a war there are always two sides

Throw another log on the fire
Oak burns best long and slow
Your heart maybe breaking
But it’s our turn, our turn to go

Here we stand but this land was never ours
No matter who spoke truth or who lied
Settled scores, this land was never ours
In a war there are always two sides