Joe's Lullaby
Dave Matheson - El Colorado
(705) 774-8156

Songwriter: Dave Matheson
Publishing: DJM Music
PRO: Socan

Track 01, Joe's Lullaby (3:04), from the EP "Tranquilidad the Instrumental Works" was released by Sonorous Records on March 1, 2019.

This one started off life as a guitar exercise I did in standard tuning to practice for another one of my vocal tracks that had a tricky guitar part to it. In the last couple of years I've realized that instrumentals have as much of a place in my catalog as vocal tunes. I was playing this instrumental one day and it seemed to put my dog Joe Black to sleep. So the title became Joe's Lullaby,.

To get the best presentation I arranged for Tunedly to record and mix this tune. They in turn hired Toby of Tobias Wilson Music ( in the UK who played all guitar parts and did the Production and Mixing.