This Is My Home
This Is My Home (D. Koons) copyright 2012
Every time I fly somewhere The memories start to find me
a skinny young boy gazing up at a summer sky
count the stars and count the dreams and both are an infinite number
then my plane sets down and I thank God cause I know its gonna be alright
This is my home, my country, the grass of the USA
This is my home, purple mountains and amber waves of grain

Driving the roads back home 'the faces are so familiar
'Pass a field where my high school used to be
my friends would act real cool ...and hope we'd get noticed
then a young girl's smile surely was the end of me

This Is My Home, my country, my feet set on the grass of the USA
This Is My Home,
my country purple mountains, and amber waves of grain

So easy to take for granted…what we got by the blood of our fathers
the tales are told and isn't so hard to see
not so very long ago we lived through 9/11
reminds us that our freedom is never free