Christmas is Near

Contact: Dan Adler

Dan Adler, Heart of the City Music, ASCAP

1. Snowflakes are falling
They’re falling and calling that Christmas is near!
Carols are ringing! They’re ringing and singing that Christmas is near!
Children are waiting and anticipating the magic and fun when that day has begun
Because Christmas is near! Christmas is near!

2. Colored lights glowing, they’re glowing
and showing that Christmas is near!
Cookies they’re making with Gingerbread baking for Christmas is near!
Some plan to journey to loved ones and yearning to gather again with dear family & friends
Because Christmas is near! Christmas is near!

CHORUS: Christmas is near, bringing good cheer
A world full of sorrow has hope for tomorrow
For Christmas is near, calming our fear
To tell us again of God’s goodwill to men for on
That special day, coming our way
The Promised Savior
Has come here to dwell, Immanuel
Jesus was born on Christmas day!

3. Some have a reason for dreading the season when Christmas is near
Reasons for sadness consume all the gladness when
Christmas is near
But in this story there’s still hope for glory
for a promised day with all tears wiped away
Because Christmas is near! Christmas is near! (to Chorus)