Jeff Coltrec - This Fictitious Story's True
Jeff Coltrec

"This Fictitious Story's True"
Just off shore in the middle of the sea
There is a barren island with tall Palm trees
With storm clouds brewing in the clear blue sky
It's where dead pirates go to die
They love to party as they rest in peace
They know how to live though they are deceased

Verse 2

One bright day in the middle of the night
Two dead pirates got up to fight
Back to back they faced each other
Drew their guns and stabbed each other
A deaf policeman heard their noise
and killed those two dead pirate boys

Verse 3

One dark night in the middle of the day
That deaf policeman heard me say
This fictitious story's true
The blind man said he saw it too
His seeing eye dog is one cool cat
And we are flying away on this survival raft

Jeffrey L Olson ASCAP
Jeffrey Olson Songs ASCAP

2019 Colt Records