Dark Alabama Roads
Dark Alabama Roads

On a long dark dusty road somewhere in Alabam.
I Meet and old gray haired man.
Who said do you know who I am.
I said no sir should I know who you are.
Then he pointed to his radio.
There in his car.

The song on the radio was.
I saw the light, he said.
He said that was me in my younger days, before the whiskey took my life.
If you love your music.
Leave the whisky jug alone.
Cause the whiskey will kill you and your music will be gone.

The song on the radio was.
I saw the light, he said.
He said that was me in my younger days, before the whiskey took my life.
If you love your music.
Leave the whisky jug alone.
Cause the whiskey will kill you and your music will be gone.

On that long dark dusty night as he drove away.
I turned to say thanks but Hank had gone on his way.
And the words he had said to me, made me think of his songs.
Like your Cheating heart, I threw the whiskey.
Away and wrote this song.

The song on the radio was.
I saw the light, he said.
He said that was me in my younger days, before the whiskey took my life.
If you love your music.
Leave the whisky jug alone.
Cause the whiskey will kill you and your music will be gone.