When Moses was in the desert tending to the flocks he saw an angel standing on Siniah’s Mountain top. He went up a little closer as the light shined all around and found he was standing on holy ground.
He saw the light…..
He saw the bush that burned but the flame could not consume.
He heard the voice….
He heard the voice say Moses take off your shoes.
He felt the power, the glorious power, coming from the throne of God.
John came out of the wilderness preaching the gospel way. Repent of all your wickedness and wash your sins away. Then John he baptized Jesus to confirm the Masters plan and the heavens opened up and glory turned the hearts of man.
(2nd chorus)
He saw the light….
He saw the spirit descending like a snow white dove.
He heard the voice….
He heard the father in Heaven proclaim this is my son.
He felt the power, the glorious power, coming from the throne of God.
When peter reached the tomb just at the break of the day he found that it was empty the stone was rolled away. The grave clothes were all folded where once the Savior lay, but then Peter saw Jesus on that third and glorious day.
(3rd chorus)
He saw the light….
He saw that Jesus had conquered death and was alive.
He heard the voice….
He heard the Master say, “fear not for it is I”.
He felt the power, the glorious power, coming from the throne of God.